Thursday, 12 November 2015

Tonight's #adminchat on Twitter - I'm the "guest expert" this week at 6pm - 45 minutes from now

Join me, in just under an hour - at 6pm GMT - on Twitter for this week's #adminchat.

I'm the "guest expert" for this week's one hour of Q&A - and my chosen topic is "SP2PB: Self Preservation to Prevent Burnout".

If you're not already a Twitter member - sign up for your free account NOW.  Then search for the conversation by using the searching tag - #adminchat

(It's easiest to do this via a third-party tweeting package - I recommend using to follow the conversation as this will prevent any other tweets from popping up in the way of the chat.)

Lucy Brazier's hosting team will be asking me questions - and I'll be answering. Feel free to join the conversation, ask a question (numbering your question Q1, Q2, Q3, according to wherever we are in the numbering at that point) or post an answer to a question (using A1, A2, A3)...  Watch the conversation for a few minutes and you'll get the hang of it, if you're a newbie...

So, join us via Twitter or - see you in 45!!


Angela Garry